The first weekend's study is an introduction to film theory.
We will be deconstructing and demystifying the filmmaking
process. The aim is to provide a solid understanding of
the medium of film and illuminate important areas for consideration
when creating a movie.
DAY 1 : Saturday 26 April 2003
: 10am-1pm
A chance to meet Nigel, Scott, and the other filmmakers
on the holiday. An Outline of the aims and objectives of
the courses, further explanation of the programme of learning
and holiday. Q & A session.
Film Form :
2pm – 5pm
What makes a movie?
We will examine and investigate the concepts of ‘film
form’ and mise en scene. We will do this by separating
and describing the various elements that film consists of;
namely: Setting; Props; Costume; Performance and Movement;
Lighting; Camera and Camera Movement; Editing; Sound.
We will look at how filmmakers employ these different elements
in order to achieve a desired message.
DAY 2 : Sunday 27 April
Narrative and Scripting
: 10am – 1pm
This session will examine contemporary theories of narrative
and look at methods filmmakers use to tell us a story. We
will consider how narratives are constructed in non-fiction
forms and how we can adopt these techniques in our own practice.
Later in the session we will be looking at ways of developing
a story into a workable script; and holding a workshop exploring
different ways of communicating our desired message.
Directing, Storyboarding and Cinematography
: 2pm – 5pm
This final session will examine techniques of film form
used in the construction of narrative. We will also examine
some ‘rules’ of composition; and how they affect
peoples understanding of a movie. It will introduce the
concept of storyboarding; a visual script.
The latter part of the session will consist of a ‘directing’
workshop based around a movie extract.